Become an European Volunteer with us

About us

POLITES Association is a polish non governmental organization that came into existence in 2002. Since then we are focusing our actions on non formal education and voluntary service. In 2007 we have move our activities also to the international level and become a sending, hosting and coordinating organization in Youth in Action programme.

With approximately 450 international volunteers that we had a chance to work with through many years, we have managed to be an accredited organization in Erasmus, Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Our aim is to give the space and time for young people to grow and experience a lot of possibilities through voluntary service, local actions and interaction with local communities. The work that we do responds to the needs of our volunteers and how they want to change the world around them.

Every year we are hosting 31 volunteers who participate in our two actions:

  • MULTI KULTI – 10 volunteers from 5 EU countries that organize summer workshops for local kids and youth (short term, team volunteering – max of 2 months),
  • #activeEUROPE – 21 volunteers who support 4 local kindergartens and our office (long term, individual volunteering – 10 up to 12 months of activity time).

The recruitment process to our programmes begins in April each year and lasts till the last volunteer is found. If you would like to join us – let us know in advance.

Check the website to find our more information about our action as well as the stories and testimonies from our volunteers.

POLITES Association holds a valid Quality Label for sending, hosting and lead actions in European Solidarity Corps programme.