Become an European Volunteer with us


Recruitment for 2024/2025 edition is now CLOSED

#activeEUROPE is a long term (10 – 12 months) individual volunteering projects for 21 participants from different Programme and Partner countries.

#activeEUROPE is a long term ESC action that connects 21 volunteers from different countries between September – July each year. The aim of the project is to develope soft skills and key competences by participating in various voluntary actions and daily tasks in local kindergartens or POLITES office.

Volunteers participating in our long term project support either local kindergarten or work in our office. The whole group of volunteers is involved in our actions, mini projects and is supporting local community by organizing various actions. Even though the volunteers work in different places, thay are all a part of one project.

Each year the programme of our project looks very similar and is concrated on boosting volunteers’ skills and competences while working with kids, youth, organizing workhops and meeting for local community, organizing and conducting mini projects.

21 international volunteers while applying for the project choose the path they would like to involved in:

  • kindergarten work – 17 volunteers support kindergarten daily by, for example, organizing workshops for kids, monthly events, presentations and support the daily life of the kindergarten
  • office work – 4 volunteers support the office daily by, for example, visting schools with their own workshops, support Regional Voluntary Centre, conducts Social Media campaigns

If you feel like spending an active year time with us – let us know as soon as possible.

The recruitment process to our long term – 2024/2025 #activeEUROPE is now closed.
Feel free to apply next year.

More information about our #activeEUROPE project can be found in our infopack.

Interested? Join us as soon as possible by filling in our application form. In case you have questions feel free to contact us here: