Recruitment for 2024 edition is now CLOSED
MULTI KULTI is a short term – summer time – team volunteering project that connects 10 volunteers from 5 EU countries.
MULTI KULTI is a short term ESC action that connects 10 volunteers from different European Union countries during summer time each year. The aim of the project is to show how much a fast and various actions can help in self- development and boost your own social skills and key competences.
By organizing a set of two workshops sessions for local kids and youth, MULTI KULTI group have a chance to present various topics, present the culture of European countries and enjoy the solidarity between the nations and have a lot of fun.
Each year the programme of our project looks very similar and is concrated on boosting volunteers’ skills and competences while organizaing the workshops for local kids and youth. Provisional schedule of the action as follows:
- week 1&2 : introduction, team building, city adaptation, workshops and meeting boosting skills and helping you with organizing your workshops e.g. public speaking, presentation making, planning and scheduling, organizing games and activities with kids and youth
- week 3&4 : conducting first MULTI KULTI workshops session for kids in age 9-12 by organizing games, activities, presentations, outdoor actions, DIY project, sharing culture of your own country
- week 5 : days off and preparation for a next round of workshops
- week 6&7 : second round of MULTI KULTI workshop for youth in age 13-16 – organizing games, activities, presentations, outdoor actions, DIY project, sharing culture of your own country
- week 8&9: days off, Youthpass certificate, local activities, summing up and going back home
If you feel like spending an active summer time with us – let us know as soon as possible. Please be aware that MULTI KULTI action is dedicated only to EU citizens and residents. If you do not hold a valid EU residency – check our #activeEUROPE long term possibility.
The recruitment process to our short term – 2024 MULTI KULTI is now closed.
Feel free to apply next year.
More information about our MULTI KULTI action you can find in infopack.
Interested? Join us as soon as possible by filling in our application form. In case you have questions feel free to contact us here