Our Association has been actively involved in European Voluntary Service since “Youth in Action” Programme. Since then we had a pleasure to host and cooridinate the work of over 300 volunteers.
We always had one goal – to create time and space for young people to grow trough voluntary service and non formal education. Slowly, day by day, we have managed to convince our City of Szczecin to let us create a local Voluntary Centre that is running till this day. This step gave us also a possibility to use new possibilities when it comes to voluntary service – European Voluntary Service that happened in Youth in Action programme (2007).
Since that day, we are actively involved on international level hosting, coordinating and supporting volunteers from different part of Europe. Our team of over 300 volunteers taking part in short term and long term project is continuously growing each year, letting us to be close to young people and helping them to grow and gain new skills and competences.
Youth in Action, Erasmus+, Erasmus+ Youth, European Solidarity Corps – being an accredited NGO in all programmes when it comes to voluntary service and non formal education, gave us a lot of knowledge and positive approach towards working with kids, young people and young adults.
Currently, holding a Quality Label certificate in ESC we are able to continue our actions till 2027 and support new generations of European volunteers in our association. Their stories are full of fun, possibilities and openness to solidarity and understanding – have a look inside our history here: https://polites.mystrikingly.com/